Christella is married and has two children: a young son and daughter. Her husband is a fisherman and goes out to fish through the night. It helps, but it is not enough. They live in a tiny house built up on stilts that has just enough room for one bed, period. The floor is sketchy, to say the least.
She pulled me over one day to see it. She was aggravated because her young daughter was being bothered at night by critters that would come in through the holes in the floor. She was upset and determined.They began building their new home many months ago. It is lovely, but it is not finished yet. They are close. So close.
Christella is one of the original students from the jewelry classes we began in Jubilee three years ago, and she supplements their family income with Jewelry making. So this necklace that just happened to have the word HOPE in it was perfect for her. She HOPES to finish their new house soon… and this jewelry is her way of bringing that to pass.
Christella is an example of a woman determined to care for her family. She genuinely loves her work and is eager to produce a really good product. She is also one of my closest friends in Jubilee.