“he doesn’t concern himself” with his children. that is what she said when i asked her, “Where is their father?” her response, echoes in way too many. ” Li pa okipe li.”
i have know this young woman 4 years now. She is beautiful and quiet. Her daughters look just like her, small precious faces. She sat me down on the side of the bridge yesterday and asked if i could help find an orphanage for her two youngest.
( my heart cracked and plunged )
As she explained her situation…she has nothing. A friend is allowing them to sleep at her house. But they have nothing. And when i asked about the father, her response, ” li pa okipe li” he doesn’t occupy himself with them. with us.
how? how can he “not occupy himself” with them? really. How?
but God.
He does. Li okipe li. He occupies Himself with them.
my soul is wretched this morning. We have given her a job, she makes the “Learn Love” necklace. But that is not enough. It is not enough.
Honestly, I feel like a supreme failure. Here is a woman, that we have given a job to, and still it is not enough. i think….If i was a better business woman, if i was more aggressive at selling ….if i could bring in more orders…if i had a better design…
intellectually, i know the truth is it doesn’t all depend on me… i know that. but the other truth is that i am in a place to make a difference. And there are a few women that are making it now. They have built solid homes with solid floors and doors that close at night. They have kids with daily bread and papers from their teachers carefully folded on the front porch. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY MORE that are desperate.
that ask for another to take their children from them. to raise. to provide.
i have to believe that God sees. He has ways to make provision. To bring this young mother into a place of life and hope and ability to provide for her children and herself. And to show me how to work better, stronger…grow this tiny business so that the roots are deep and the shade it provides, far reaching.
if you, reading this, are a praying person, i humbly ask you, please pray for us.
For Santia, this young mother of three. That she finds the route.
And for me, a not-so-great business woman/ artist trying to make a difference here. trying and failing and hurting wanting to do so much more. Because I know that God does occupy Himself with us.
thank you.