Change The Shape

Change The Shape

Have you noticed our #changetheshape hashtag? Wonder what it means? It is a reference to the Bottom of the Pyramid (or BOP). “The bottom of the py...

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Woven Together

Woven Together

You wanna know one of the main reasons 2nd Goods Is able to do what we do? It’s because of YOU, the customer. You said yes to being involved in th...

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10 Minuet Essays 1

Theme - Live like you mean it.  Author - Kathy Brooks Live like you mean it We can.   That is the astonishing thing.  We absolutely CAN.  For me, ...

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JANUARY 11, 2015    

THE NAMING OF A COUNTRY Everyone that knows  Haiti through the words of the Press knows that this country comes with a last name: Haiti.   A ver...

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DECEMBER 15, 2014  

12-13-14 CRASHING CARS AND TAP-TAPS IN THE NIGHT Dec. 13 2014   Some things need to written as a therapy of sorts. This is that. Yesterday , dec...

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DECEMBER 8, 2014 

NEW HOSPITAL This is the beautiful new black top road that leads to the new hospital in Gonaives. We    had the honor of touring the the newly o...

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10 Minuet Essays - 2

Theme - 2nd Story Goods Author - Brandon Brooks To Me; 2nd Story goods is action. It is movement, it is a foolhardy challenge to the status quo....

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MAY 14, 2014  

FEAR IS THE STUFF OF AN UNDER ~ ACTIVE IMAGINATION i said that. i did. just the other day. and i still believe it,  48 hours later. fear is an e...

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JULY 20, 2011

THEY SCRAPE US CLEAN In Haiti, out in Jubilee, there is mud.  When it rains.  And even when it doesn’t rain, we are blessed to be near the sea a...

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