The Power of a Purchase

The Power of a Purchase

When you buy from 2nd Story Goods, you are investing into lives and into a nation.  You are enabling families to thrive beyond day-to-day life. You are using your purchasing power to empower men and women in Haiti— we think that’s pretty beautiful!

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Change the Shape

Change the Shape

But the truth is that it is you, the friends and partners of 2nd Story Goods, are the the ones who are making the real difference.

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Why Haiti?

Why Haiti?

In this day in time when Black Lives Matter is sparking such needed conversations, it takes me back to the first “seeing” of the situation in Haiti. Once we see, we cannot un-see. And once we know better, we must do better.

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The Importance of Hope

The Importance of Hope

It struck me that Hope is like a currency. It’s like if you have a 10 dollar bill you can buy that hot tea and everything bagel in the airport as you wait for your flight.  If you don’t, you can’t.


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some of our favorite words

some of our favorite words

"Good words are worth much, and cost little."—George Herbert any of these words speak to you or remind you of someone you love? grab a magnet stam...

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the sewer

the sewer

She works with such intensity. I watch her face as she sews. There is a heavy calm there. as if she has mastered  the art of carrying the weight o...

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