some of our favorite words

some of our favorite words

"Good words are worth much, and cost little."—George Herbert any of these words speak to you or remind you of someone you love? grab a magnet stam...

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the sewer

the sewer

She works with such intensity. I watch her face as she sews. There is a heavy calm there. as if she has mastered  the art of carrying the weight o...

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the rosette story

the rosette story

Something about being with the deaf.  It’s like entering another country ... again. First of all, the class is full of students, all ages 12 year ...

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the pendant story

the pendant story

We visited a man that makes aluminum cooking pots for his living. He has a small thatch hut on the very outskirt of the village Jubilee. His domai...

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i see you, Jesus

i see you, Jesus

I love watching you sitting in the dirt with the little boys making cars out of oil cans…they fished them from the garbage dump,   of course they ...

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Made by: Anite

Made by: Anite

I drive down to Jubilee early this morning to work.The well is open and there are many children and adults crowded around and carrying precious c...

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Not Wasted

Not Wasted

I can sometimes hear these "moso" (“pieces” in Haitian Creole) fabric bits chatting it up when they find themselves as a finished product.  Sharing...

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